Make a difference in our community and beyond.
Make a difference in our community and beyond.
Come be our guest for breakfast and find out what we are all about.
Meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month (September thru June)
Vita Italian Grill
3101 W. Temple Ave.
Pomona, California
Walnut Valley Women's Club (WVWC) is non-profit, non-sectarian and multi-cultural. We are an all-volunteer 501c3 service club.
Our mission is to provide education, training and interaction opportunities for volunteers who are committed to individual growth and community improvement to enrich the qualiry of life throuhout California and the world
WVWC is affiliated with the following organizations:
Support Our U.S. Veterans
Men & Women
Ongoing critical needs for homeless Vets
Now collecting Personal items for both male and female veterans
Contact or Zelle -
Opportunity to win a private LA Harbor Cruise with dining for 4 onboard a 31-foot powerboat. All net proceeds to benefit WVWC's philanthropic projects
Limited Ticket Sales 100 at $45 each
or send check
Walnut Valley Women's Club
P.O. Box 563
Walnut CA 91788-0563
Support worthy causes every time you buy groceries or other purchases. RaiseRight gift cards can now be purchased with the RaiseRight app. More than 750 major merchants participating.
Enter the Walnut Valley Women's Club code when setting up the RaiseRight app and the retailers will donate dito us. Tell me more.
Quick, easy, and safe
How to Zelle:
Copyright © 2020 Walnut Valley Women's Club - All Rights Reserved.
501c3 non-profit organization EIN #95-4062287
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